Presidential Fitness Program

  The Presidential Challenge is a physical fitness awards program of the President's Council on physical fitness and Sports. The goal of the program is to encourage youth to make a commitment to increase physical activity and maintain a lifetime of fitness.

    A total of three awards were available to those who participated in the President's Challenge. The Presidential Fitness Award for outstanding achievement is given to those who score at or above the 85th percentile on all five items. The National Fitness Award recognizes those who score at or above the 50th percentile on one or more of the events.

   The events used for assessment consisted of the following: 1. curl-ups for abdominal strength and endurance; 2. the shuttle run for total body coordination; 3. one-mile run for circulorespiratory endurance; 4. pull-ups (right-angle push-ups) for upper body strength and endurance; and 5. the V-sit (sit and reach) for muscular flexibility.

President's Challenge Fitness Test 5th Hour

Nationals- Cody Wagatha, Ryan Squier, Kyle Runyon, Dustin Cochrane
Presidential- Levi Glezman, Raine Dinsmore, Mark Fortelka, Cassandra Dietrich, Brooke Monroe, Claire Richard


President's Challenge Fitness Test 6th Hour

Nationals- Heather Brown, Gordon Sherburne, Forest Altman
Presidential- Kelsi Baron


President's Challenge Fitness Test 7th Hour

Nationals- Indya Abraham, Preston Hedrick, Richard Cushman
Presidential- Jade Barber, Tommy Nakhovanh

